Saturday, 1 October 2016

Choose WordPress or Blogger

For promoting the blogs and the articles all you need is to have any CMS i.e. content management framework which is suitable for your business in order to make the website incredible. Here we are comparing two most popular CMS framework WordPress and Blogger. Both of the framework offers advanced features which is very useful in order to grab the market. As jaw-dropping features enhances the readability of the blog. If you want to select the best CMS out of both then we have compared both the CMS:

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Blogger is the most prominent content management system framework which provides user-friendly interface. Google, the most popular company owns Blogger and offers many advanced features like AdWords, Analytics, and AdSense. Many companies use Blogger as their framework which was started in 1999. Few years later, company started grabbing more users and getting increased traffic.
·         This framework is completely free and is very simple and easy to use.
·         This framework delivers a user-friendly interface.
·         Number of users adopts this framework as it comes with powerful Google AdSense and Google Analytics.
·         The Blogger framework comes with free templates which you can customize also.
·         The framework does not offer any advanced features and options.
·         Number of users complained regarding the customization of the template.
·         Lack of advanced and high-end features as this framework comes with limited option.


WordPress is now gaining immense popularity with its simple design and easy to use features. The framework comes with advanced features and you can easily upgrade the feature in order to make it accessible by the advanced users.
·         Using this framework, you will get more control on the look, and the content you publish on your blog.
·         You can create your own domain name which looks like a professional one.
·         The users need to pay the hosting charges $3 per month.
·         You require more advanced technical team in order to run the hosted WP blog.

Both the content management systems are expected to bring major changes in  2017 in the month of january

Difference between Java and Javascript

The fact that you are visiting this page signifies that you are a techie who wants to compare the similarities and the difference between Java & Javascript or not? Just because there is word Java in both languages, doesn’t make them similar. Infact, Java is to Javascript as Car is to Carpet and ham is to hamster.
Both these language uses a concept of object oriented programming. Apart from this, these two languages are poles apart. While Javascript is used for client side scripting to do front end validations, to do cool animations and to implement interactivities whereas Java is used mainly for server side development.

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Javascript codes runs on browser while Java code runs on both applet as well as browsers. Javascript is not that rigid and is very easy to understand as compared to Java. In case you are weekend developer who will like to develop a webpage quickly, Javascript is your language. You can embed Javascript in HTML which makes life pretty easy even for user interface designers.

Java as a language is hard to master and will take years of practice before you become confident about writing an enterprise level applications. Java is not forgiving and wants every variable defined in the right format. Also, the code needs to be complied into a machine language (bytes), it is necessary for you to have JRE and JDK installed in your machine. You might want to use tools like eclipse to format & structure your code better. Do remember, Null pointer exception will still make your life difficult in Java and needs to handled carefully and diligently.

Good news on other hand is that all modern browser supports Javascript and thus you needn’t install any software to run your Javascript code. Also, recently Javascript has gained lot of momentum due to the introduction of new libraries like JQuery and cutting-edge frameworks like Angular and React (this one is primarily promoted by Facebook). These new libraries and framework gives developers an opportunity to deliver a seamless user experience by helping business develops apps and cool websites for their customer in short span of time.

Select either PHP or HTML!!

PHP files works similar like a HTML files where you have to use coding for both the languages HTML and PHP code. When you parse the PHP code and access the page you will get the result as HTML in the Web page. Whenever the user tries to access the PHP page, the HTML code is send via web browser whereas the PHP code is accessed on the back side of the web browser. You can insert HTML coding in PHP language whereas you cannot insert PHP coding in HTML language.


PHP is the most popular language which handles all the business logics. You can write algorithms and the programming for loops, and conditionals. You can also write codes and algorithms for arrays and objects. This language is very useful which you can use for security purpose like you can fetch all your confidential documents related to accounts in the database. When any user enters the details of the username and the password then it will automatically get fetch all the details related to the user name and the password.
Its extension is very important as it signifies that the page has PHP code. You can also mention the current date and time option using PHP codes.


Web pages are just the array of the words which is to be put in a different format which you can further display as the web pages is formatted as HTML. HTML is the most popular markup language which is easy to use and comes with simple coding. This language is used to display the text, image and many other things on the web browser.
Using HTML, you will get the same page that is you cannot change the look of the page according to the data and the information.

Hence both the languages are very important and both the languages are very strong in order to create programming. In order to select the best one read the above mentioned details which will help you out selecting the best one.

Generation’s demand is fastest phones

Fastest phones are the generation’s need as we need a smartphone which can perform faster and hence prove to be a better performing device with the better-improved efficiency.
So we are here we are here with the list of smartphones that have good RAM and processor  that contribute in a better performing fastest smartphone.


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Samsung Galaxy s7

First, smartphone in the list is Samsung galaxy s7 with the 4 GB RAM which results in multitasking and a better performing device as a whole. It has Android 6.0 operating system with the octa-core processor. Further, it has 5.1 inches display screen size and the resolution of the 2560*1440 px. It has the camera combination of 12 MP and 5 MP of the primary and secondary cameras with the powerful battery backup of 3000 mAh.It is available on different shopping sites with the cost of 42500 INR

One Plus 3

Next in the list of fastest phones is one plus 3 with the powerful 6 GB RAM and the 2.15 GHz Quad core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor with the Android 6.0 operating system. It has a display screen size of 5.5 inches with the resolution of 1920* 1080 px. Further, it includes a combination of 16 MP and 8 MP of primary and secondary will also have a battery backup of 3000 mAh and it is available in the Indian market with the cost of around 28000 INR.


LG G5 is the next smartphone in the list of the fastest smartphones with the cost of around 40000 INR in the Indian market. This smartphone also has a RAM of 4 GB. Camera combination it includes are 16 MP and 8 MP , further, it has  a display screen size of  5.3 inches with the resolution of 2560*1440 has  a powerful battery backup of 2800 mAh. It has an Android operating system with the octa-core processor.

These are the best smartphones in the category of fastest smartphones with the Combination of RAM and processor which results for the better performance of the device.

Best iPhone games 2016

If you love to play games and this is your best pass time with the iPhone than you should know the list of Best games for iPhone. Games for the sake of gamer are designed with the wonderful graphics and amazing features, so that you can spends a lot of your time and not get bored of the game easily as some of the games have the graphics by which you will get bored with in the short span of the time and uninstall the game after few days of playing. Best games are those which have interesting levels to engage you for long.
So some of the best iPhone games we have listed here have a look at the games which we have filtered for you which will surprise you every time when you are playing.

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1.      Love you to bits
It is basically an adventure game which is available with the cost of $4 in the Apple store, it will surprise you with the puzzles, and awesome artwork, and it also includes a story line with which you will get attached easily. If you want to experience some exciting adventure game then you can download the game and enjoy playing it with the iPhone.

2.      The Silent age
It is also an adventure game in which a custodian Joe finds a dying man in the game and he is in the middle of some time travel plot and serving the mankind by saving them. It is a fantastic thriller game to enjoy and experience the real time adventures in the game.

3.      Botanicula

Next game in the list of best iPhone games is Botanicula, it is available to download from the Apple store and will cost you around $5. It is a game in which you have to work for saving a tree from the evil parasites. It includes clever puzzles and a soothing music to enjoy with the game.